(poll 6)

What size house plan are you interested in?
Up to 200m2 (2153 ft2)
35% (89 votes)
between 200m2 to 400m2 (2153 ft2 to 4306 ft2)
27% (70 votes)
between 400m2 to 600m2 (4306 ft2 to 6458 ft2)
15% (39 votes)
between 600m2 to 800m2 (6458 ft2 to 8611 ft2)
9% (22 votes)
between 800m2 to 1000m2 (8611 ft2 to 10764 ft2)
4% (11 votes)
Above 1000m2 (10764 ft2)
9% (24 votes)
Total votes: 255
Thank you for your feedback